Tuesday, September 14, 2010


It was over a month ago that we enjoyed a trip to Karamoja in the northeast corner of Uganda along the Sudan and Kenya borders.  Here are some photos that tell at least some of the story.  My ineptness at blogging is keeping me from posting these photos in the order I'd intended, but I hope you enjoy them anyway

Steve hamming it up with some Karamojiang warriors.  The green hat identifies this young man as a "warrior".  While there still is cattle raiding that happens between Karamojiang tribes such as the Dodoth and the Jie, the "warrior" youth are not necessarily the bandits responsible for the raiding and the taking of lives.  These youth are simply identifying with a traditional term of respect.

I was told that the Karamojiang name their cattle and even write songs about their favorites.

Karamojiang girls' hairstyles may depict which clan they are from.

Karamojiang elders

Wednesday Cattle Market in Kotido.

Restaurant at Wednesday Cattle Market in Kotido

Cattle car and no seat belt laws
Colorful Karamojiang
I just loved the miniature donkeys
Pharmacy at Wednesday Cattle Market
People were friendly and happy to have their photo taken including this elder Karamojiang woman.
Karamojiang artisans

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